Digital Narrative Game Prototype

I would like to create a game that shows the struggles of a single mother, especially in our patriarchal Arab society. A single mother faces lots of obstacles trying to balance her work with her children and everything else that falls within. Adding more pressure on single mothers is our man-driven country that underestimates the power of a woman making it on her own. The game would put the player in a single mother’s shoes of making tough decisions with the aim to empower women.


  • Financial loads
  • State documents
  • “You are just a woman” “Bring your man”
  • Balance children with work and everything else
This game is dedicated to my widowed mother who has struggled to raise me and my two sisters on her own.

3 thoughts on “Digital Narrative Game Prototype”

  1. This is a beautiful idea, and I hope you check in with your mom on this as you build it. I’m trying to think of improvements on the idea, but can’t think of any… except just keep checking in with your mom that you are representing her experience accurately


  2. Hi Merna! I am a student from Kean University in New Jersey. My interest was peeked when I the topic of your game. I think it’s a great idea because my mom is also a single mom and she definitely struggled raising me and my brother, but she did it and is now putting us through college on her own. I think it is important for people to see that single moms struggle but that they also don’t always need a man to depend on.
    Great idea, I totally love it!!


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